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Female privilege

Females have privileges males don't, like not being expected to react with violence when something that isn't right is done to a female, or in a lot of other circumstances where males are expected to handle something like men and not like mice. There is a double standard working in a female's favor for every double standard that works in a male's favor, and really you could do the same thing with black and white if you really wanted to, though most of the focus tends to be on white males most ofthe time. Big daddy white protector.

Female prvilege is something you hardly hear about, and one people don't really talk about, but the piece that can make more moves than any other piece on a chessboard isn't the king or the knight. If male privilege and white privilege are fact and not misinformation, then so is female privilege and black privilege.

by Solid Mantis April 29, 2021

36πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Hurricane Eazy-E

It would be fucked up if the storm Kyle did more damage than Hurricane Eazy-E.

Beach resident- Damn, Storm Kyle did this to us? I thought I was gonna get to fly my kite in Kyle, then it would just blow offshore and do nothing. Kyle made Hurricane Eazy-E look like a breeze, how did Kyle fuck us up like that?

by Solid Mantis August 4, 2020


A person with Budweiser in their house.

Doyle is such a budhouser.

by Solid Mantis October 31, 2016

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž



The Draconian laws and measures were an attempt by Reptilian leadership to measure people, to measure their tolerance, to measure their limits.

by Solid Mantis March 16, 2020

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Headphone zombie

A soldier of fortune for the undead army. Headphone zombies attack mostly young people and turn them into headphone zombies. With larger numbers, the zombies have safety, and usually win, unfortunately.

They are trying to take over, and let the machines win. The mind of a headphone zombie is artificial intelligence, and it's contagious!

by Solid Mantis February 27, 2016

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A room that usually looks like a tornado came through, the winds ripped apart the walls and roof, rearranged all the clothes in the room and left them on the floor, then reassembled the walls and roof of the house the room was in. A room that reflects the inhabitant of the room, quiet and introspective but thought to be outgoing. A plain, simple way to describe the room is a messy room to study opponents from.

The girl had many things hidden away from the public eye in her study, despite being the kind of hypocrite who claimed she had nothing to hide.

by Solid Mantis August 16, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


One thing you notice about studies is that they tend to come up with repetitive (if not exactly the same) answers over time, and the answers tend to be authoritative.

The point of the studies if their is one, seems to be to tell peole what to do or how to live, though the same kinds of people that conduct them never want anybody to do the same thing with them (a taste of their own medicine).

by Solid Mantis May 21, 2021