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Dork girl

A female that was a dork growing up, then after a certain age people for some reason lose interest in calling her a dork.

Now that people lost interest (got bored with) in calling the dork girl a dork, she grows the balls to start calling other people dorks at work.

by Solid Mantis September 12, 2019

Dork girl

A girl that has a bunch of females put on hard hats when females start getting called out at office jobs for being dorks, thinking that hard hats make people look hard.

The dork girl wanted to see more females in hard hats and more males in sequins or aprons, since she thought that feminine males were better males than other males, better human beings.

by Solid Mantis September 12, 2019

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Cluster fuck

An orgy of the coronavirus man.

Guy 1- Are you going to the cluster fuck tonight? This is gonna be better than a coronavirus party, we're all gonna get drunk, we're all gonna get high, and we're all gonna get fuckin sick too man, its gonna be great!
Guy 2- I'll pass, but dont let my negative attitude stop the show.
Girl- Whoa, that sounds awesome and anything is better than being alone.
Guy 1- Yea, nothing is worse than being alone, let's get out of here, this is lame.

by Solid Mantis May 13, 2020

Stealing the show

Stealing something from somebody (including a show) who would gladly give somebody something doesn't seem like an action with a lot of honor in it. Being indirect about it instead of straightforward makes somebody more of a liar than a thief.

They would've given him/her the show, as it said to do in the script, but he/she still insisted on a coup to steal the show. Stealing the show had always been his/her true intention, to get the best of any of the other guy there was.

by Solid Mantis February 1, 2021

Most likely to become a drug addict

Something realistic you don't see in a high school yearbook, even if it would help people prepare for reality. A few other ones you don't see are most likely to become a transvestite, most likely to commit suicide, most likely to become a gunman or mass murderer, and most likely to take money from classmates (legally or illegally).

He/she was voted Most likely to become a drug addict by his/her peers in high school.

by Solid Mantis January 22, 2021

Gator mouth bitch

A female who talks a lot of shit but would rather keep her head underwater and hide everything but her eyes when somebody finds out she's a gator mouth bitch.

She's a gator mouth bitch, she will use her words to cut right through you.

by Solid Mantis February 4, 2018


Something some people prefer to leave to other people.

Anybody who would gladly help another person destroy their life, even if they are a family member, is not a friend but an enemy. While the person who ends up with a wreck will have to take (and get stuck with) all responsibility for all of it, that doesn't mean nobody else tried to fuck with lives and bring nothing but drama and adversity into somebody else's world.

by Solid Mantis May 17, 2020

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