Lyras, only known by this name, is a mysterious figure from Grimrock island who posseses the mysterious and extremely strong power of the essence.
"Lyras headed to the lighthouse to get a better view of Grimrock island."
Grimace's irish old ahh unc who also happens to have a drink dedicated to him known as the "Shamrock Shake."
"No, you are wrong. I AM SHAMROCK!"
An altered version of the infamous ameen, hailing from a parallel universe where he is in fact slim.
"Yo is that ameen? He looks so different"
"Nah, it's Slimeen."
Another mysterious and destructive power, wielded by none other than Lyras' rival, Grummore. Rumored to mirror the power of The Essence, which seems to resemble creation, both Grummore and The Counter-Essence pose a threat to Grimrock and the race of Grimaces' very existence. It is believed that if the Essence and the Counter-Essence clash, Grimrock island will be revealed to the world.
"Holy Dick! How did you find the counter-essence?"
"I just found it on a fine evening ribs stroll."
Another legend of H block, similar to that of Count Cripula, although this entity throws up the 2s.
"Baron Von Blud just opped my unc up!"
An expression used by hims during battles when using a powerful move.
"Ah-sah is better than oos and wa-chow."
The king of all hims; the most powerful him.
"Hey isn't that Solo?"
"You mean the him king?"