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A kid with buck teeth, annoying voice, ugly face, and a rage monster.

Oh look, its a luca!

by Some Educated Clown December 20, 2017

5👍 4👎


An appropriate gesture to rude or idiot skiers that turn out in front of people without giving a care in the world.

Getting Snowed is when someone comes to a fast decline in speed while turning their skis or snowboard angled at the idiot, causing a wave of powdery snow to engulf the mentally inept skier

Skier 1"Some asshole back there almost took me out, so I snowed the shit out of them!"
Skier 2"Nice! Those idiots need to learn to not turn into people!"

by Some Educated Clown November 30, 2020


A new skier with little to no skill, and insists to go on harder, higher speed trails only to keep their legs spread open wide and skis in triangle formation to stay slow the entire time.

Skier 1: "Dude, I was going down a black diamond and I almost ran into some slow ass gaper on my way down!"
Skier 2: "Ha, what a fucking idiot"

by Some Educated Clown November 30, 2020

Evil Mcdevil park

do a burnout, hit 80 mph, flip your car in a triple barrel roll and the land in a parking spot perfectly.


by Some Educated Clown December 20, 2017