Source Code


An anime based on the life of Alexander the Great, but in a Codpieceified futuristic setting. Chock full of hints of Alexander's ity, wierd geometric shapes that can destroy the world, and Aristotle with a mohawk.

King Darius has a pimpin' theme.

by Some guy October 4, 2003

29πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


great file sharing program, if you can deal with pop-up ads and Spy-ware.

Check this shit out dude, i downloaded 3,000 songs from Kazaa!

by Some guy November 18, 2002

2πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


a living cactus monster that can shoot needles at you for 1000 damage (usually). Is always slanted and in a frozen running pose.

Also known as: cactuar

the cactrot lives in the desert

by Some guy January 29, 2004

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A great game for X-box and PC. It IS overated, but it still kicks some major ass. Almost every reviewers gives it the best score, but people still complain that its being rated by "n00bs".
The single player is only fun once, but the multiplayer kicks. I'd still rather play Battlefield thought...

Halo hater: Hal0 Suxxor d00d! I d0nt have n xbox, and ive neva played it, but it stil SuXXoR!!1
Other people: Go home Douche.

by Some guy January 28, 2005

115πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž

prince of darkness


hey joey im the price of darkness

by Some guy May 21, 2003

4πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

father ted

A very funny IRISH (Ireland is not in the UK) absurdist/surrealist comedy about 3 priests practicing on an extremely remote island off the coast of Ireland.

Father Ted Crilly is fairly apathetic priest, more interested in TV and movies than religion. His dream is to practice in LA. He misses out on this opportunity.

Father Dougal McGuire is an idiotic, dim-witted young priest who is pathetic yet likeable. He mixes up situation very easily.

Father Jack Hackett is a scruffy, dirty, violent, mean, old alcoholic who takes joy out of abusing the other two priests. He has: hit Ted with a brick, clamped Ted's nipples with clothespegs, run over Ted with Ted's own car, etc.

The series is available in most stores, even in the US (It was last year, at least). It's the funniest thing ever.

Ted: We need some place to stay for the weekend

Dougal: What about Mewengwe? His parents are away and he has satellite!

Ted: Dougal, he lives in Ethiopia.

by Some guy February 19, 2004

103πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


An army of Warhammer 40k which use Gauss Weapons to disentigrate enemies particle-by-particle. Look like skeloton/terminator and are religous in an odd way.

I got the Necron Monolith today for $50 and it kicks ass!

by Some guy July 4, 2004

44πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž