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Mr. Krabs' business rival on Spongebob Squarepants. He owns a shitbox restaurant called the Chum Bucket, where he makes secret evil plans to steal the Krabby Patty formula and therefore attract business. He always fails.


"You'll never catch me, Mr. Krabs. I went to college!"

by Some idiot who thinks you are gay, September 2, 2006

294👍 90👎


A fucking comma, stupid. When you're reading aloud, it helps to have these so every now and then you can stop to breathe.

What, you don't know the meaning of the word "breathe"?

by Some idiot who thinks you are gay, August 22, 2006

497👍 107👎

tallahasee torch

When you dip your cock in gasoline, light it on fire and stick it up a girl's ass or pussy.

Warning: Side effects of the Tallahasee Torch include: burnt cock and/or pussy, burnt ass, and your girlfriend will probably hate you for the rest of your life.

by Some idiot who thinks you are gay, August 22, 2006

25👍 13👎

superman returns

A movie that would have been a lot better if Superman had a villain that he actually fought.

In Superman Returns, there wasn't much fighting at all, just that one scene where he was exposed to the kryptonite and then got the crap beat out of him by Lex Luthor's bodyguards! Hey Kevin Spacey, you lazy fuck, why didn't you fight him yourself, you big pussy?

by Some idiot who thinks you are gay, September 2, 2006

36👍 34👎