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Nice hardworking people that live in or are from Appalachia or the Ozarks who are misunderstood

Examples of how a hillbilly is portrayed
barefoot, trigger happy, Inbred, lazy, isolated, people who live in run down homes and wear old clothes

A real modern hillbilly
Kind people that can live in towns and cities or isolated in the mountains ,but still not disconnected from society, Generally own a few cars, sometimes own farms and are honest workers who are proud of who they are, but they are still stubborn and can be very poor.

Guy 1: Hey I just got a new hillbilly neighbor and I was thinking of throwing him a welcome party.
Guy 2: Do it!
Guy 1: knocks on hillbilly neighbor’s door
Hillbilly: Hello! I wasn’t expecting anyone coming over but I got some fruit, want some?
Guy 1: Actually I came to welcome you to the neighborhood

Hillbilly: Oh thank you! Come sit.
Guy 1: Thank you
*they have a conversation and they become friends

by Some random nice dude July 9, 2020

19👍 6👎