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git gud

A programmer inside joke to say to someone that is complaining about how hard to use is git, meaning that they better stop complaining and get good at using git

Person 1: "Git is too hard, i preffer svn"
Person 2: "git gud"
Person 1: "No"
Person 2: "sudo git gud"

by Someone like God, but better June 9, 2020

7👍 1👎

git gud

Insider joke between programmers that is said when a new programmer is complaining about the versioning tool git, other more experienced programmers will tell the new programmer to write in the terminal the command "git gud" or "sudo git gud" because git is used in the command line and is called by writing "git" followed by parameters, so they are implying that the tool is not the problem, is the new programmer lack of experience that is the problem and as such s/he has to "git gud".

Junior dev: git is fucking shit, i hate it, it is overcomplicated and unnecessary, how tf am i supposed to merge my branch to a remote repository? what command it is? git branch-merge?
Senior dev: it's easy, git gud
Junior dev: *types it* it does not work!
Senior dev: sudo git gud

by Someone like God, but better September 11, 2020

6👍 1👎