A band that people only hate because the Internet told them to do so.
Why do people hate Nickelback?
1. The fifth letter of the English alphabet.
2. A grade formerly used in schools between a D and an F. It has since been removed because some people thought it could be interpreted as "Excellent."
3. A retarded meme that does nothing but demonstrate that literally anything can be a meme.
4. A perfect response for when something awkward happens and you don't know what to say.
1. A B C D e F G
2. "I got an E on that test yesterday."
"What? I thought "E" wasn't even a grade anymore!"
"Apparently it is when you fail that bad. Maybe it means my brain is 'empty'?"
3. "Markiplier + Lord Farquaad = E"
4. "You're going to horny jail"
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King Harkinian is the King of Hyrule, and also a singer/songwriter best known for his 2008 hit: the novelty song, "Scrub, Scrub, Scrub" (feat. Link, Zelda, Ganon, and others).
The chorus to "Scrub Scrub Scrub" by King Harkinian is as follows:
I'm going to Gamelon, after you've scrubbed all the floors...
Scrub, scrub, scrub all the floors in Hyrule
Scrub, scrub, scrub all the floors in Gamelon
Scrub, scrub, scrub my ship in the morning
Scrub, scrub, scrub my Wii!
Scrub, Scrub, Scrub all the floors in my lair
Scrub, scrub, scrub all the floors in my house
Scrub, scrub, scrub my warriors in the morning
Scrub, scrub, scrub, my boy!
Types of atheists include:
- The "No Proof" Atheist - The most basic type of atheist. They believe there is no way to decisively prove that there is a God. By far the easiest one to talk to and have an intelligent discussion with.
- The "Bible is Horrible" Atheist - Uses the argument that the Bible has some content that's very uncomfortable to read. This is generally considered to be the weakest argument, because many verified events throughout history are pretty awful. History is not supposed to make you happy.
- The "Religious Trauma" Atheist - A person who identifies with atheists due to horrible experiences with religious people, extremists, bigots etc.
- The "World is Horrible" Atheist - Believes that because so many atrocities occur with no problem, that many evil people live long lives and get away with it all while good people die horrible deaths at a young age, etc. there must be no God.
- The "Leave Me Alone" Atheist - Angry about religious people who try to shove their views down everyone's throats. Usually related to Religious Trauma Atheist. Generally considered the most acceptable reason to be an atheist (besides "No Proof".)
- The "Absolutely Insufferable" Atheist - All of the above, and quite literally allergic to religious people, these atheists go out of their way to tear religion down at every opportunity. Most likely a Religious Trauma Atheist taken to pretty nasty extremes. Or just a dickhead. Commonly found on the Internet, especially Reddit.
A funny prank used to trick someone into saying out loud that they wish to masturbate.
Slowly: "I want a math debate."
Quickly: "I wanna masturbate."
A well-known subreddit where all the images have the "spoiler" tag by default. Above each post is a description of two things that you may see if you click the image. (The website chooses which one it will be at random.)One of them is typically quite pleasant, while the other is...not so pleasant.
For example, you may see a 50/50 where one of the possible posts is a bunch of kittens sleeping in a box, while the other option is a man waking up from anesthesia while undergoing open-heart surgery. (This is just an example. But the bad outcome is not an exaggeration; some of them are actually very graphic and utterly terrifying.)
...You get the idea. This subreddit can either make your day, or it can scar you for life.
Reddit 50/50 is a very popular challenge with Youtubers. But please, enter it at your own risk. You may want to puke if you get the bad outcome one too many times.
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To nerf (something) excessively to the point of uselessness; to weaken.
Not to be confused with the phrase "Beef Up," which is the exact opposite.
That game was fun until they decided to beef the minigun. Now it's frustrating.