The Right Stuff (also known as "Date Right Stuff") is a dating website made by conservatives, for conservatives. It has received criticism for flirting with far-right ideologies and having an oddly small amount of female users.
It was created by former White House aide John McEntee, who (in)famously posts right-wing rhetoric/satire on various social media websites while he eats food at a restaurant.
Date The Right Stuff
Jacksepticeye's catchphrase whenever he fails at anything
"Keep going! Keep going! Keep go- aw, FUCK IT!"
A Youtube video that, prior to the removal of the removal of dislikes, had the lowest like/dislike ratio on the entire website, with less than 200 likes and over 53,000 dislikes. For every like on the video, there was approximately 265 dislikes. That's a ratio of about 0.003%.
The extreme hatred of the video comes from the fact that it has Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of Youtube, who is widely hated by everyone on the platform. The removal of dislikes six months after the video was uploaded has been widely perceived as a very hypocritical and pathetic attempt to save face.
Youtube Rewind may hold the record for the most disliked video on Youtube, but the 2021 Free Expression Awards has the worst like/dislike ratio, leaving many users contested as to which video is worse.
The Grand Theft Auto V of Roblox.
Created by Roblox user dued1 in March of 2008, this game is exactly what it sounds like; and it has withstood the test of time quite well despite its simplistic concept and overall decline in quality since 2017. Nowadays, dued1 doesn't really "update" the game anymore; he just adds stuff without fixing problems that have existed in the game for years.
In other words, he's milking it. Just like how Rockstar is milking Grand Theft Auto V.
Work At A Pizza Place: The biggest cash cow in Roblox history.
4👍 7👎
An old Youtube and popular ringtone that involves a...weird song that sounds like complete gibberish while Batman shakes his head like he's having a seizure.
Batman on Drugs be like:
The first Castlevania game for the Gameboy, and almost inarguably the worst game in the entire series. The music is pretty damn good, just like in any Castlevania game...and that's really the only good thing anyone has to say about it.
With a protagonist that moves slower than a sedated turtle and can't jump to save his life, a lack of subweapons which are present in all the other games, a lot of sections where you MUST get invincibility to avoid getting hit as soon as you spawn, a stage that becomes unwinnable if you take the wrong path, a weapon that downgrades when you get hit, a multitude of sections where it's impossible to NOT get hit without whip upgrades, insultingly easy boss fights (except for Dracula, whose second form is actually quite tough), and tricky parkour sections that are made almost impossible by the painfully slow movement of the protagonist, Castlevania: The Adventure is often considered one of the worst games for the Gameboy.