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The Gandhi Effect

If you're idolized enough, people will ignore all the horrible things you've done in your life. Being deceased is optional, although it has been proven to make the effect more...effective.

The Gandhi Effect is named for Mahatma Gandhi, who is often worshipped as a hero around the world, despite the fact that he was a serial rapist.

by Someone who kinda exists July 28, 2021

The Noose Song

A shockingly dark song that tells you how to commit suicide by hanging. It was so controversial that the artist had to make a family-friendly version.

The Noose Song

Let's learn how to tie a noose
It's easy if you're not obtuse
All you need is a piece of rope
And abandon all your hope

You make a loop and the snake goes down
But changes his mind and turns around

And climbs back up to the top again
This is where the fun begins

You take the snake and spiral down

And at the bottom, what has he found?

The snake goes into the rabbit's hole
And you give the top a pull

Now it's ready for your use
This is how you tie a noose

by Someone who kinda exists September 13, 2021


An extremely shitty and evil human being who makes a living off of scams, lies, and fake charities. His insane unpopularity skyrocketed even further after his fake speedrun of Super Mario Bros was famously taken apart in a video simply titled "The worst fake speedrun on Youtube" by Karl Jobst.

His fake speedrun is basically several other legitimate former world record speedruns all spliced together, with a fake heart rate monitor and some of the worst acting you'll ever see in your entire life. And it's ultimately not that impressive compared to some of the *REAL* world records.

Karl Jobst's video of Badabun's infamous fake speedrun caused a lot of people around the world to realize what a horrible person Badabun actually was. It was already well-known in his home country, but now pretty much everyone in the world hates him...and rightfully so. Prior to the removal of dislikes, Badabun's fake speedrun had an overwhelmingly negative like/dislike ratio. It also has less views than the video exposing him.

To quote one of the comments on the Jobst's exposing video: "Honesty always wins in the end."

by Someone who kinda exists December 26, 2022

Daffy Duck

A massive troll who somehow turned into a massive punching bag overnight.

Daffy Duck in the 1940's: Screws with people just because he can and gets away with it.

Daffy Duck in the 1950's: Can't go a single episode without anything bad happening to him. (He deserves it.)

by Someone who kinda exists December 28, 2022

4👍 2👎

Wucanit benou 🎷

A silly video which imagines two cats singing the popular song "Who Can It Be Now?" by Men At Work, except all of the lyrics are spelled out phonetically and the other cat does nothing but play the saxophone.

Wucanit benou 🎷

by Someone who kinda exists August 10, 2024


The opposite of Smol.

My older brother is very Tol

by Someone who kinda exists September 25, 2021


Mitt Romney's real name.

It actually isn't...but being a Republican-In-Name-Only (RINO) politician, it fits him better.

"Hey, ya wanna see Mitt Romney naked?"


"Here it is!" *Shows a picture of a rhinoceros* "I call it Mitt RINO!"

by Someone who kinda exists August 16, 2020

5👍 2👎