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The act of intentionally hurting oneself, usually by cutting one's wrists/arms with a knife.

Self-Harm is a hallmark of end-stage depression. Oftentimes, the person just feels no numb inside that they just want to be able to feel something, no matter what the sensation may be. They often (if not always) wear long-sleeve shirts to conceal their wounds, lest someone discover them and realize something is very, very wrong.

Self-harming is very serious and should not be ignored. If you know someone who is doing it, get them to a hospital. Let them know they are loved and that they matter. And if you are that person...Read that last sentence again. You have a place in this world. No matter how difficult it may be to find your place...don't give up. Suicide does not end your suffering your good; it transfers it to your friends and family. Speaking of which, they care for you, too. (Or at least, I hope they do.)

by Someone who kinda exists August 23, 2021

67👍 21👎


1. A gender-neutral name, also spelled Leigh for the feminine variant

2. A term used by tickle fetishists to describe the person who is on the receiving end of a tickle torture session. (It's short for "Ticklee.")

1. My mate Lee is one of the greatest people I've ever met. We've known each other for more than twenty years.

2. Zara tends to be the lee in tickle roleplays.

by Someone who kinda exists August 17, 2021

Lead Foot

A person who is known for driving way too fast.

"Tony has a lead foot. It's a wonder how he's still alive, let alone legally allowed to drive. If you ever have to travel anywhere in a hurry, he's your man. Otherwise, make sure you're never in a vehicle where he's behind the wheel."

by Someone who kinda exists August 13, 2021

Jonas Neubauer

7-time world champion of Tetris, and that's about it.

RIP Jonas Neubauer


by Someone who kinda exists July 27, 2021

E.T (Atari)

An Atari 2600 adaptation of the famous film E.T. At the time of its release, it was considered the worst game of all time, and was largely responsible for the Video Game Crash of 1983.

While E.T (Atari) was considered an absolute disaster upon its release, it is not viewed so harshly today. Some people even go so far as to say that the game is actually not that bad; it's just VERY confusing.

by Someone who kinda exists January 23, 2022

Dihydrogen Monoxide

A dangerous substance that can cause corrosion, suffocation, and many other life-threatening problems. Worse yet, it is found all over the world, and people often consume it without realizing it.

...Water. It's water. Did you get worried for a second? Congratulations: You have become a victim of Zohnerism; the use of a true (though confusing) statement that the general public would not be able to fully understand, causing them to jump to incorrect conclusions.

Dihydrogen Monoxide is often used in April Fool's pranks to fool people who do not know what it is. It was popularized by then 14-year-old Nathan Zohmer, who trolled almost all of his ninth-grade classmates into banning it from the school he attended for a science fair.

by Someone who kinda exists August 12, 2021

Taylor Armstrong

The screaming woman in the "Woman Yelling at a Cat" meme.

One would think that Taylor Armstrong would dislike one of her not so fine moments being made into a meme, but she actually expressed her approval upon discovering it.

by Someone who kinda exists February 27, 2023