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Vaporeon is a fox/fish Pokemon. It's good against fire, ground, and rock types. But is bad against electric, grass, and dragon types. Vaporeon can melt itself in water and make itself disappear. Most people think it's a mermaid because of its long, beautiful tail.

To change eevee into this Pokemon, you must train eevee wisley and evolve it with a water stone.

by Someone you may never meet October 12, 2003

161👍 31👎


Jolteon is a dog Pokemon. It's good against water and flying types. It's bad against ground, rock, grass, and dragon types. If Jolteon is angry, its hairs on its body turn to needles then shoot out for its enemy. Jolteon's speed is remarkable. Most electric types have the best speed ever.

To evolve eevee into this shocking Pokemon, you must train eevee then use a thunder stone to evolve it.

by Someone you may never meet October 12, 2003

45👍 20👎


Eevee is no longer a unique Pokemon since researchers discovered it can evolve into Espeon or Umbreon. It's a fox Pokemon. It's good against none and is bad against rock and fighting types. It's best to train eevee then decied whether to evolve it into Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, or Umbreon.

This Pokemon can evolve into Vaporeon with a water stone, Jolteon with a thunder stone, Flareon with a fire stone, Espeon at day with frendship, and Umbreon at night with frendship.

by Someone you may never meet October 12, 2003

226👍 87👎


Flareon is the most powerfulest fire fox eevee evolution of all. It is bad against water, rock, ground, and dragon types. It's good against grass, ice, and bug types. This Pokemon stores energy from the sun. Its heat can reach up to 1,600 degrees.

To transform eevee into this Pokemon, you must train eevee then wisley use a fire stone to evolve it.

by Someone you may never meet October 12, 2003

42👍 21👎


Bin Laden

Bin Laden wanna bannana?

by Someone you may never meet October 12, 2003

12👍 29👎