The backbone of Gaylors and instagram swiftie meme community
"tswiftfreaks got zucked- now the meme community will fall apart"
The coolest and the most fun person in the instagram gaylor meme community. They are also known as gaylorshits and gaylordreams.
The funniest meme page to ever exist on Instagram, they stan the best people on this planet (jack antonoff, Harry styles and taylor swift) they are very popular for their jack anton(off) joke
Girlbossharry admins are the most iconic people ever
4👍 2👎
The only tolerable and probably the most funniest redhead.
Nightmaredressedlikeapegacorn is so funny wtf
Also known as gaytaylorswift, gaytswift, gaylittleswiftie, fruitcakeswift, mrscasuallyzucked and markzuckerberghater111, their biggest enemy is mark Zuckerberg, they are the meme industry.
WHAT- fruitytaylorswift got zucked for the 6th time
The most iconic instagram page, with shit ton of spam. The account owner is the most iconic person to ever exist. We stan ð©
Omg mypopqueen_ wrote another iconic song