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The art of being salty to a huge degree. Ocean levels of salt.

-Good lord he is raging hard...
-What happened?
-Apparently from what I can make out he over paid for something or somebody got something for free not sure. He been at it for like 20 minutes though...
-Jesuz he is salty..
-Na bruh, that's on a whole new level of mad. That's ocean levels of salt right there.


by Somethingsomethingdarkside August 4, 2015


Makka is slang for amphetamine in Norwegian.

1) That piece of shit makka was probably rat poison.

2) Makka-Ronny, Pepper-Ronny and Makka-Ivar are good friends.

by Somethingsomethingdarkside February 19, 2013

10👍 20👎