A derogatory word to describe hicks, usually in a humorous manner.
Me: Mike, did you see that hick last night? What a cleetus.
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A weaboo but for France and all things French. Don't try to act like you've never met somebody like this.
Me: When I was in highschool I dated this chick that loved France. She was a ouiabeau.
A synonym of a toilet ball.
Me: Did you see that ball go round and round the hoop like a toilet bowl?
Doug: Yeah, but we real hoopers don't call it a toilet ball. We call it a "poop hoop."
The bs amount of time frozen food says it takes to cook your food
Me: This burrito says it will cook in 1:50, but account for microwave time I'll put it in for two and a half minutes.
A person who is obsessed with feet.
Me: Mike, I gotta be honest. I'm a feet geek. I love Avril Lavigne.
Throwing extraneous trash into the trashcan while emptying your bowels.
Me: Yo, Doug. I'm so down to practice b-ball that I was even poop hoopin when I went to the bathroom.
Doug: Damn. That's some real dedication. Yo should try it out if you want to be a true hooper, Michael.