1. A dish comprising a chicken stuffed in a duck stuffed in a turkey.
2. To put more meaning into something than can reasonably be expected or intended.
1. "Why have a turkey for Thanksgiving when you can have turducken?"
2. Me1: I hope this isn't the winter of Tovar's discontent
Me2: How would we know?
Me1: You know, anger-flakes falling from the sky, grumble-powder all over the ground, the thermometer frigid with annoyance.
Me2: Words fail me at expressing how awfully you've expanded on that metaphor.
Me1: I know what you mean. I turduckened it.
Me2: You what? Wait, I don't want to know.
Me1: I stretched it unnaturally in order to stuff all sorts of random crap in it.
Me2: Please stop.
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A song with a melody that mostly repeats a single note with occasional variance to the note above or below it.
Etymology: combination of "monotone" and "tune".
Every Taylor Swift song sounds exactly as boring as the last. They're all monotunes.
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Any food substance that is highly pleasant to the taste as a child and tastes shockingly unpleasant once you become an adult.
Coined by Joe Posnanski, the original reference of course being Pixy Stix.
For more info, see:
Man, I used to love eating candy corn at Halloween as a kid, but now they taste like sugary ear wax -- a Pixifood if I ever had one.
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Hot dog and bun. A term used in competitive eating circles.
In June of 2007, Joey Chestnut set the new world record for hot dog eating by downing 59.5 HDBs in 12 minutes.
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