Source Code

Statue of Liberty

When you are having vaginal or anal sex with a girl from behind and she asks you three times to wear a condom. You then succumb to her request despite the fact that you are not a sailor. Just before you are about to finish you remove the condom with your throwing hand and drop it over your right shoulder (like in football) into your left hand behind your back before you finish raw dog. When she rolls over you pretend to take the condom off and throw it away to assure her that you were wearing one.

So Bro: "She wouldn't let me bang her without a condom"

John Bro: "That sucks man so you didn't bust?"

So Bro: "Of course I finished bro - I pulled the *statue of liberty*."

by Sono Bro November 1, 2011

31👍 33👎