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Obama Proof that American citizens no longer control the vote through well thought decision, but in fact the media controls the citizens and their thoughts. Endorsed by the rich, uber-elite of Hollywood, yet still platformed as the voice of the poor. Controversial backgrounds of birth, citizenship through naturalization. Controversial religion; raised with Muslim values but claims to be Christian. Spent 2 decades in a radical anti-American anti-white church yet miraculously never heard any of those sermons. *Note: I am agnostic-athiest and to me there is no such thing as god. Don't care what religion people are, but he claims to not be Muslim when he was raised that way. I was raised Catholic....guess what I live with Catholic related values* The harbinger of death. Just as corrupt as every other politician. Recieved massive unintelligent, not thought out votes from blacks and hispanics. Documented by bi-partisan news. Don't believe me? Ask a black who voted nObama what some of his platform was. Average flak from nObama promoters towards opposing parties; Racist, radicals, racists, anti-American, doubt of change, facists...the list goes on. No experience dealing with military. VERY limited experience in politics regardless of how people see his past 2 1/2 years in senate and few years in legislative Illionis government. Pro-terrorist; yup he wants to make friends with the bad guys. Pro-down fall of American Constitutional rights. Pro-socialist values; you socialists who say otherwise what do you call universal health care, public schools, welfare, etc.? The reason half of America finally admitted losing complete faith in the government. Bi-partisan government? 40 Republicans to 60 Democrats....yea very bi-partisan. Definition of why central government is obsolete, illegal, and grown to completely usurp the American people. Worthless stimulus plan. You know what, I can go on an on but all the liberals will hack and slash back because they don't want to believe any of this. The republicans will agree with most of this. But I am niether party so I don't really care anymore. I'll just say that the Constitution has been violated for almost 100 years and nObama is continuing that regardless of how good he can speak, how cute girls think he is, and how retarded he can be. Hitler had a blind following...alot like Obama's "It is not enough for me to just be President, I want to be an important president"- Obama Congratulations Obama, you are important...you are leading this country to a 2nd war between the states! Good for you you fucking moron.

"It is not enough for me to just be President, I want to be an important president"- Obama Congratulations Obama, you are important...you are leading this country to a 2nd war between the states! Good for you you fucking moron.

by Sons of Patriots May 14, 2009

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