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A little bit annoyed

Yo dude, why are you looking so chippy?

My girl thinks im cheating on her

by Soph L March 15, 2019


Ghalia means expensive - and if you find a Ghalia, keep her, because she’s expensive and one of a kind. She is not like any girl you will meet. So different, in a good way. Sure, you may find her annoying - but she’s amazing. She cares about you. She falls in love easily - and that’s good. She had a sensitive heart so do not break it.

Love it, like it loves you. But just because she’s a softie on the inside, it does not mean that she will not stand up for herself because she’s strong. She can hold herself up, but everyone needs a partner. To stay with her and support her.

You will see Ghalia grow into an amazing woman and you won’t regret it.

I just met the most awesome person. She’s perfect, I swear. Her name is Ghalia.

by Soph L March 14, 2019

16👍 25👎


This is what true love is. Supporting eachother through and through, and loving one another. Giving cuddles when they need it. Don’t do anything they aren’t ready for, because you have to care and care and care. It may be hard, but it will pay off. Later on they’ll love you so much it will be like you’ve found the light switch and you’re turning on the light.

Love is also not hiding your emotions. You’re happy, you’re happy. You’re sad, you’re sad. But if one of you is sad, then the other must do everything they can to comfort. It takes a lot of work to love, but it’s something we need in life.

I love you.
Prove it.

by Soph L March 14, 2019

2👍 21👎