Source Code


The action of the number seven eating the number nine.

Boy: Did you hear about 9?
Girl: No, what happened?
Boy: 789

by Sound Cloud Rapper January 3, 2019

22👍 3👎

Poo Poo Head

The hardest roast in the elementary school playground. If you are called this, the rest of your elementary school life is over. You will have no friends after this comment. Sadly you will have to ultimately transfer to another school.

Bryce: Hey I don't like the way you draw. You draw like a poo poo head
Nick: Oh no, I can't believe you would say something like that. My life is over. I'm calling my mom so I can transfer. My friends are gone. Why me?

by Sound Cloud Rapper December 19, 2018

30👍 3👎