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T-Shirt Communist

A name given to anyone who professes to be a communist whilst wearing or using items manufactured by capitalist industry. It is often typified by wearing T shirts with Che Guevara's face on or posting to YouTube premium using a $3000 mac whilst sipping on a venti machiatto from Starbucks. Other similar behaviours exist.

Ironically, they believe you shouldn't have to starve for your principles and so they once again project the fruits of capitalism (a full plate) whilst claiming to be communist (starving on literally anything).

Guy 1: "Hey, man. Check out Michelle's shirt. It has a sickle and star"
Guy 2: "Wow, that's an odd design for a $500 Dior t-shirt"
Guy 1: "Yeah, she's a total T-shirt Communist"

by Souper Rare January 5, 2022

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Woke Privilege

A form of privilege that is extended to those who hold the "correct" views about all things societal, economic, scientific and political.

These correct views are determined by the major institutions. When governments, major corporations, mass media and entertainment, universities etc. all support your viewpoint (regardless as to whether it is rooted in reality or not) you have woke privilege. These viewpoints are typically perpetuated by intersectional Frankensteins and usually result in the creation of many Wokenstein's Monsters.

Conversely, if you hold views that are different to the woke gospel (regardless as to whether they are rooted in reality or not) then you will be cancelled for merely having a different viewpoint and are not considered to have woke privilege (however, you will likely be accused of having every other kind of privilege in an attempt to discredit you). This is because those with Woke privilege are typically woke Fordians.

Joe: " Hey man, did you know that *insert woke opinion here* is so great?"
Mama: "Jesus Joe, who has been filling your head with this nonsense?"
Joe: *screeches and points* "this one's not one of us!"
Mama: "well, it looks like my viewpoint is cancelled because I don't have woke privilege"

by Souper Rare July 14, 2022

53πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Wokenstein's Monster

A being whose personality is the end point of a society that has become enamoured with a victimhood mentality (ironically victim status is considered the top societal stratum in these societies).

Their personality is a patchwork of identity traits such as gender, sexual orientation, race etc. whilst being devoid of personality traits such as humour, intellectual honesty, kindness, open mindedness etc. This is because the former traits boost oppression points and allow for the continuation of a victimhood status, whereas the latter personality traits often erode an individuals victim status or allow them to see beyond the facade of intersectionality.

These beings are not naturally occurring and are the result of either indoctrination from academia and mass media or through government intervention (in other words, from "Intersectional Frankenstein's").

They are a symptom of an ailment that is attempting to fragment and atomise society so that the individual's sense of brother/sisterhood and duty to their neighbours is eliminated.

Guy 1: "Ever since he took Professor Lee's social justice course, Barry can't take a joke and only cares about his gender and race"
Guy 2: "Sadly, he has become a Wokenstein's Monster. There's nothing we can do for him"

by Souper Rare January 8, 2022

2666πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž

Roes mad

An expression used to describe those that feel upset about the overturning of the landmark Roe Vs Wade legislation in the USA.

Roes (people who support Roe) often take to the Internet to mistakenly complain about how their rights have been stripped away (but don't understand that the overturning just takes abortion law away from federal government and returns it to the decision of democratically elected state officials - in other words, the power has been returned to the electorate of each state. Ironically, this insulates states against sudden national shifts to either pro life/pro abortion legislation by the president).

Complaints often revolve around the idea that women will no longer be able to have consequence free sex anymore. The outrage is typically expressed by shouting down anyone who is pro life/anti-abortion with terms such as "bigot" or "anti-woman".

Roes cannot be reasoned with and should not be engaged by anyone seeking a civilised debate.

Sarah: "Hey, did you hear about Brianna and how she screeched something about how she can no longer satisfy Moloch's insatiable thirst for young blood?"
Terra: "ah, it would seem Roes mad"

by Souper Rare June 25, 2022

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The term assigned to Democrat politicians who are elected to their positions based on promises of Utopian outcomes for the electorate. Once in power, they ramp up welfare and cause the electorate to become increasingly dependant on the state, thus sustaining the grip the Democrats have on their liberties and social mobility.

No city under long term control by Detroitivores ever resembles the paradise that was promised and often ends up crime riddled because of widespread unemployment and state dependence (this is now often blamed on anything but the parasitic nature of Detroitivores).

The safety net of welfare that was promised has been allowed to become a hammock that is increasingly hard to get up from.

All social problems in these states are blamed on Republicans, despite the fact the Republicans haven't held power in them for decades.

See cities such as:
St. Louis, Jackson, Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore, Memphis, Cleveland, Baton Rouge, Kansas City and Shreveport.

And then compare them to crime rate statistics whilst paying attention to the presiding political party in those same cities.

Bradley: "Hey man, did you see, the number of unemployed keeps going up despite the mayor's electoral promises to increase taxes 700% to reduce that number?"
Savannah: "That sucks. It must be hard to live in a city run by Detroitivores"
Bradley: "Detroitivores?"

Savannah: "Yep, parasitic beings in human skin whose policies harm the electorate while simultaneously using them to sustain their own power."

by Souper Rare June 26, 2022

Red Dead Exemption

The red dead exemption occurs when polite society gives communism (or those who self identify as communist) a free pass despite the atrocities communism has led to. In other words, communism is exempt from criticism.

This free pass gives the carrier special privileges that result in people either overlooking the actions of communism or the individual's misdeeds as a result of their affiliation with communism.

Other ideologies with lower kill counts are not eligible for this pass. This is likely due to the communist long march through western institutions.

You are eligible for the Red Dead Exemption if you satisfy any of the following criteria:

1) you are a communist country guilty of genocide against its own people or other peoples.

2) you are aware of governments like those in point 1 and still believe communism is a force for good.

3) you are a westerner who has never experienced communism and think it sounds like a good idea.

4) you are a woke fordian who holds communist beliefs.

Guy 1: "Dude, Suzie just came out as a communist. I can't believe she'd associate herself with such a murderous ideolog..."
Guy 2: "Are you kidding me? Communism is the most peaceful ideology in human history"
Guy 1: "ah, I see you have granted her the Red Dead Exemption. This conversation is over"

by Souper Rare January 20, 2022

34πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

Intersectional Frankenstein

A social scientist/engineer who through either malicious intent or academic indoctrination influences society and the individuals in society to become as intersectional as possible. This is usually actively done by governments and corporations to sow discord and divisions amongst the population or passively by academics who have lost sight of reality through never experiencing life beyond a university.

The end result of their meddling is the production of "Wokenstein's Monster" - a lumbering patchwork of different identities that they try to pass off as a personality (usually to obtain oppression points, so as to win the oppression olympics). They emotionally lash out when the rest of society doesn't accept their shallow identity devoid of any actual personality traits that extend beyond gender, sexual orientation, race etc.

Guy 1: "Did you take Professor Lee's social justice course?"
Guy 2: "No way, my friend Sarah took the course and came out claiming she was being oppressed because she's a omnisexual, pangender, Beluga whale roaming the seas searching for love."
Guy 1: "Ah, I see. That means Professor Lee is a total Intersectional Frankenstein."

by Souper Rare January 8, 2022

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