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West Falkland Islands

A large dependency of the British crown, located on the southern American continent found at latitude 38.4161, longitude 3.6167° W. It is often mistakenly referred to as "Argentina" but anyone who does so is canonically wrong.

In a similar way, the name comes from the residents of a plucky island nation mocking a much larger hostile nation and their (ultimately flawed) expansionist desires. A good example of another country mocked in this way is West Taiwan (who keep threatening to conquer east/real Taiwan).

The official language of the West Falklands is German for reasons that we won't go in to.

They have won multiple world cups, but most of the ancestors of the current population haven't ever had much success on the world stage in "other events".

Guy 1: "I can't wait to go on Holiday to the West Falkland islands."
Guy 2: "Make sure you learn German before you go."
Guy 1: "why?"
Guy 2: "there's always German's on holiday"

by Souper Rare July 14, 2023

Woke Fordian

A person who believes that any ideological view is acceptable as long as it does not differ from their own.

It is derived from Henry Ford's quote "any customer can have a car painted any colour he wants, as long as its black".

Woke Fordian's exist at all points on the political spectrum and are typically inflexible to views that do not align with their own. In the extreme, this can lead to all sorts of malicious action being inflicted by people who hold different ideological views than the person they are targeting.

Guy 1: "Sandra just screeched at me because I said I didn't believe in universal health care. Guy 2: "What? Really?"
Guy 1: "Yeah, she kept shouting that I was wrong and that I shouldn't be allowed to share my opinion anymore"
Guy 2: "Wow, I had no idea she was a Woke Fordian"

by Souper Rare January 8, 2022

2641👍 110👎


A term used to denote any form of public eatery, restaurant or Café whereby the workers are paid minimum wage and have the same level of pride in their work as a cat licking it's own anus. As a consequence of these factors, the male workers have a tendency to ejaculate in the food they serve and as such, the venue becomes a spafeteria.

This term is a portmanteau of the words "Spaf" (to violently ejaculate with no regard for the target of said ejaculation) and Cafeteria (a canteen with little/no table service).

Whenever you enter a spafeteria, you take the risk that your meal might be a "lucky drip".

Products commonly contaminated:

Latte - "Ejaculatte"

Gummy bears - "Cummy Bears"
Fizzy pop - "Jizzy Pop"

Steve: "Hey man, this burger has some salty asf mayo on it"
Bob: "dude, did you buy that from Burger Chain?"
Steve: "Yeah, why?"
Bob: "Dude, that place is a total spafeteria! You're eating Jizz!"

by Souper Rare July 23, 2022


Pronounced: /baɪ/-/ðɛn/ (Bye-then)

An expression used by the Taliban to taunt the occupying U.S forces during their evacuation of Afghanistan.

Following the rapid and catastrophically haphazard withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan in 2021, many of the U.S.A’s allies have become distrustful of them and have shifted towards West Taiwan's sphere of global influence. This due to the fact that the U.S.A are now considered to be an unreliable ally. Many of these nations also use this expression (tongue in cheek) to express their ever-increasing distancing from the U.S.A on the world stage.

The term will likely be used by the Republican Party and other opponents of Joe Biden as a slogan in the next presidential election. Assuming the Democrats lose the 2024 election, the majority of America’s populace (and it’s now tenuous allies) will collectively breathe a sigh of relief and finally get the opportunity to say “Bye-den, Biden!” If, however, the most popular president in history once again defies all expectations, this greatly anticipated sigh of relief will be delayed 4 years, but will arrive, nonetheless.

Muhammed: “Brother, did you see those oppressive pig dogs are finally leaving our sacred land?”
Ahmed: “Yes. We can finally say good Bye-den to Biden and his interventionalist regime”

by Souper Rare February 3, 2022

5440👍 112👎

Wokenstein's Monster

A being whose personality is the end point of a society that has become enamoured with a victimhood mentality (ironically victim status is considered the top societal stratum in these societies).

Their personality is a patchwork of identity traits such as gender, sexual orientation, race etc. whilst being devoid of personality traits such as humour, intellectual honesty, kindness, open mindedness etc. This is because the former traits boost oppression points and allow for the continuation of a victimhood status, whereas the latter personality traits often erode an individuals victim status or allow them to see beyond the facade of intersectionality.

These beings are not naturally occurring and are the result of either indoctrination from academia and mass media or through government intervention (in other words, from "Intersectional Frankenstein's").

They are a symptom of an ailment that is attempting to fragment and atomise society so that the individual's sense of brother/sisterhood and duty to their neighbours is eliminated.

Guy 1: "Ever since he took Professor Lee's social justice course, Barry can't take a joke and only cares about his gender and race"
Guy 2: "Sadly, he has become a Wokenstein's Monster. There's nothing we can do for him"

by Souper Rare January 8, 2022

2666👍 111👎

T-Shirt Communist

A name given to anyone who professes to be a communist whilst wearing or using items manufactured by capitalist industry. It is often typified by wearing T shirts with Che Guevara's face on or posting to YouTube premium using a $3000 mac whilst sipping on a venti machiatto from Starbucks. Other similar behaviours exist.

Ironically, they believe you shouldn't have to starve for your principles and so they once again project the fruits of capitalism (a full plate) whilst claiming to be communist (starving on literally anything).

Guy 1: "Hey, man. Check out Michelle's shirt. It has a sickle and star"
Guy 2: "Wow, that's an odd design for a $500 Dior t-shirt"
Guy 1: "Yeah, she's a total T-shirt Communist"

by Souper Rare January 5, 2022

5391👍 110👎

Woke Privilege

A form of privilege that is extended to those who hold the "correct" views about all things societal, economic, scientific and political.

These correct views are determined by the major institutions. When governments, major corporations, mass media and entertainment, universities etc. all support your viewpoint (regardless as to whether it is rooted in reality or not) you have woke privilege. These viewpoints are typically perpetuated by intersectional Frankensteins and usually result in the creation of many Wokenstein's Monsters.

Conversely, if you hold views that are different to the woke gospel (regardless as to whether they are rooted in reality or not) then you will be cancelled for merely having a different viewpoint and are not considered to have woke privilege (however, you will likely be accused of having every other kind of privilege in an attempt to discredit you). This is because those with Woke privilege are typically woke Fordians.

Joe: " Hey man, did you know that *insert woke opinion here* is so great?"
Mama: "Jesus Joe, who has been filling your head with this nonsense?"
Joe: *screeches and points* "this one's not one of us!"
Mama: "well, it looks like my viewpoint is cancelled because I don't have woke privilege"

by Souper Rare July 14, 2022

54👍 1👎