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The holder of all secrets

To those of you that are still seated I know a lot of you still have stories but your not ready to share them yet and that is okay when your ready I will we will listen not only will we listen but we will help you in anyway we can and together bring change to the community of edgewater for better…but there is one person in particular that has the greatest story to tell that can undo all the wrongs and make it right this boy can change everything for the better going forward he is the answer to all our questions will be help us now and where has he been over the last 4 years since we can’t state names due to guidelines here is a riddle

Who plays on muddy

His favorite numbers start with 4

7th in the alphabet

Event soon to be near him very soon in a few days time will tell

The holder of all secrets

by South river secrets -tyler S July 22, 2021

Take it easy

The chaos theory isn’t exactly about chaos it’s about how a tiny change in a big system can affect everything.so today marks the moment of truth.the truth is simple there is a cult in edgewater called SRC this cult has power with some control and influence over edgewater.there main place is in the colony there second most mainstream place is the high school. This cult targets people who come across them and there wrong doings they also target people who know of them and don’t want to join them

Grace once said “relax take it easy” meaning when being in SR and you come across the truth they don’t want you to speak on it it’s there way of keeping you at ease silent by other means. Take it easy

by South river secrets -tyler S July 22, 2021