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A young transgender woman that looks like an effeminate man, not a woman.

Coined in /tttt/, it’s a compound of twink and hon. A hon is a transwoman that does not pass or that looks like a man… and usually an unattractive one at that matter.

Jamie: “How are you, Larry?”
Larry: “Doing great. How about you, James?”
Jaime: “James?! I’m Jamie now!”
Larry: “That’s a nice name for a cute twink, James.”
Jaime: “Oh… I thought I look like a real girl.”
Larry: “Don’t worry, I have a thing for twinkhons.”

by Southern Twink June 30, 2024

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Second Amendment

In the context of American law and politics, the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms. In the United States, you are allowed to use armed weapons (not just guns) to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The amendment was written into law because the Founding Fathers knew that states start becoming tyrannical by disarming its populace in order to oppress them. Effectively, this amendment ensures that Americans are able to defend themselves against tyranny to protect their rights.

It’s part of the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

“The Second Amendment is the personification of ‘Mercia, baby!”

by Southern Twink June 30, 2024

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Cotton Ceiling

A reality that delusional transwomen have to face: not everyone wants to fuck you, and you wanting to be a woman does not win over straight men or lesbians. Get over it for fuck’s sake.

It’s never transphobic to not want to date or sleep with trans people, and you shouldn’t let people tell you otherwise; even if it is, that doesn’t change the fact that no means no.

“Smash the Cotton Ceiling? Denying your womanhood? Zoey, that doesn’t change the fact I don’t like dicks.”

by Southern Twink June 30, 2024

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