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A duck that is majorly known for raiding other bird's nests. They usually appear in large groups of up to 10000 ducks just to raid a single nest.

Large raids can often times be seen on twitch where people stream the raid and killing of innocent birds

Person A: Hey, have you seen those cockity's raiding the penguin nest?
Person B: Yes, cockity's really have become a threat to our local eco-system

by Souvenir January 13, 2018

2👍 3👎


A man who is ALWAYS late to Movie Night or never even comes. He usually stays in stream and practices for upcoming tourneys instead of chilling with his subs

ThunderRa1der: "Hey have you seen BeasttrollMC?"
Meitser: "No, he wasn't here for a month"
Izuku: "Yeah, he needs to practice for tourneys"

by Souvenir July 16, 2019

26th April

It's okay, people tend to sleep on legends. It's fucking exhausting, but nothing new. Just keep this legendaric behaviour and energy going!!!!
Sarcastically ending stupid people is okay too, however unfortunately, not everyone's got a sense of humour.

Her birthdays on 26th April

It's 26th April today!

by Souvenir May 9, 2020