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"HufflePuff" is one of the many names of a well known forum troll in Israel. Claiming to be a teenage female, her famous haunting place are the Computer Hardware forums of www.gamer.co.il.

Her behavior includes: General trolling, trying to prove her superior intellect (And failing miserably), judging other people's fashion sense, trying to acquire a picture and an MSN nickname of every forum member and in general having no life.

Known aliases: Hifflepuff, Cassandra, Hassandra, Comeundone, and many others too numerous to count. She has been banned more times than anyone can count, but always finds a way to get back onto the forums and keep trollin'.

HufflePuff: "Too bad you guys are so pale, I want to see real men here (That is, tanned !)."

HufflePuff: "You look like a caveman with all that hair !"

HufflePuff: "Wow, much hair on your chest ! You gotta remove it quick !"

by Sovereign007 June 19, 2009

29👍 86👎