Source Code

Button Masher

A lady who loves other ladies.. you know... in "that" way.

Meat - Yo, I think that girl is gay!

Sp3rm - Yeah, she's a button masher fo sho!!!

by Sp3rm Doner May 28, 2009

5👍 31👎


A vagina strengthened by kegels

M3at - My lady has been doing kegels lately.

Sp3rm - You'll be bangin out a strongbox in no time.

by Sp3rm Doner May 28, 2009

2👍 9👎

Junk Mugger

A dude who digs other dudes. You know... in that way.

M3at - I think that dude might dig other dudes. You know... in that way.
Sp3rm Doner - Yeah, he's definitely a junk mugger.

by Sp3rm Doner September 12, 2008

3👍 2👎

Boner Owner

A dude with boned up junk.

M3at - That broad's tight pants are makin my pants tight...

Sp3rm - I am definitely a boner owner right now as well.

by Sp3rm Doner May 28, 2009

4👍 4👎


Jumping into a relationship really quickly.

Did you see what that queer Lori did? She just met this broad and already bought the white picket fence. Totally kerswelling herself.

by Sp3rm Doner April 22, 2009