a sandwich is a breakfeast, lunch or dinner food that consists of 1 or 2 pieces of bread (corn products will not be recognised as bread) that are not cooked whole, bread can be toasted and or the toppings however they should not be cooked together (grilled cheese, pizza and so on) if the item in question already has branding or recognition as a separete product it will not count as a sandwich (hotdog, hamburger, bagels, taco, burrito, and so on) sweet like products and dessert do not count as a sandwich (ice cream sandwich, cake, cheese cake, cinammon buns) however some items that do not follow sweets rule includes banana bread and milk bread due to the fact they are commonly used to make sandwiches thus are excempt.
items that are covered in breading do not count as a sandwich. (chicken wings, cheese sticks, onion rings, meatballs, chili cheese tops)
Person 1: Hey did you try that new Sandwich place on mainstreet?
Person 2: Yeah it was great!