a. A word to use in ones mind after you explain to your good friend that God is real and that person can actually hear you, see you and truly believes in Him.
b. Best described graphically as a pie to the face but the opposite of violent. A powerful, earth moving, energizing, healing, sudden realization mixed with laughter.
c. Almost like the sound of a gong but bigger. Like the beginning of many trumpets blasting and sounding like, "ABBA!"
d. That moment when you gain eternal life.
e. Also see "A-Ha".
Paul planted the seed, Apollos watered it but God has been making it grow. WAPANG! I FINALLY get it! WAPANG! I must go to tell people. WAPANG! REALIZING THAT YOU WERE ONCE IN GRAVE DANGER and knowing that other people still are in grave danger.