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The most influential dragon ball z character Goku's right hand man and training partner and friend for all times. Also for some reason he was evil at the beginning of the series cuz he was arab or some shit and had a white turban. That being said he also had a good side called Kami. As a growth as a character he couldn't sell merchandise like Vegeta Caulifla and the other Saiyans Toriyama is obsessed with. So for some reason they thought it was a good idea to make him a side character. Piccolo, Tien, and Yamcha deserve more screen time and character growth than they get.

Piccolo is an instrument
Piccolo has the power of Rizz
Piccolo is a skilled babysitter also

by Spectator222 August 6, 2023

Stacy Overlord

Some blonde girl who makes 1 million dollars on only fans. Corrina Kopf and other girls besides her and they pay no taxes on their income. And if you say all of this in society you'll be vilified as a sexist and incel. Society now a days discriminates against men of average look, traits, wealth, and facial features. Naw bro the lich king is over man that was in 2008.

Why are Stacy overlords making more money then men who work?
A Stacy overlord has no heart.

A stacy overlord is a lich queen

by Spectator222 August 6, 2023


Some Chad Jewish guy who made an overrated move in 2023. Yeah it was war times in ww2 but the atomic bomb was a deeply controversial moment in history. It shouldn't be made into a stupid romantic Hollywood movie for women. Speaking of which Oppenheimer as his name suggests does not even look like a Jewish man. Bro had a name called Julius he looked like nordic man. He has chiseled facial features thick curly hair probably tall and probably an IQ of 199. Apparently if your a Jewish guy you cant be in movies unless your a giga chad who doesn't look ethnically Jewish. Dont believe me huh: According to the biography, Oppie was often seeing at least half a dozen women at any given time- dont believe me google the article. Im sure its hard to get famous in life when you are born a handsome tall man with an iq of 199.

Oppenheimer he was a giga chad and he was Jewish. Oppenheimer was he insanely intelligent or did he just keep sleeping with women while he got lucky one day in the lab. Chadheimer Im going to see the movie cuz im some stupid girl Oppenheimer was as religiously Jewish as Jeffry Epstein barely Jewish.

by Spectator222 August 6, 2023

1👍 1👎


Some guy whos 6ft has sharp curly hair and is a complete douchebag, Andrew Tate is one of them Andrew Cuomo is also another one of them. Hes dominant because of his genes and that hes good at math hes gotten everything handed to him in life for free. Also he is a very traditional man because traditional women aka women who like to gagged and tied up and beat up in bed by men support traditional values. Which essentially means any man man even if hes a douchebag fuk boy who is sexist can say hes traditional. Its like if you see them you know some shit is gunna go down. Dont f-ck with chad he is omnipresent and basically every girl who is a 6ft Stacy will support him. A Chadette is the female equivalent of a chad. Watch the farfetched modeling ad on youtube youll see that 6ft blonde girl who poses giving you the f-ck off eyes "dont even try me. " So you can use that for reference. The natural enemy of the chads/chadettes is the Doomer who is a different kind of man.

The world is run by chads & chadettes who oppress other men and women and life of them at their expense.

Cinderella was once a modest girl then she met prince chad charming and became a chadette.
If a man has a name called Jayden, Brayden, or Ayden and he fits the description above its safe to assume hes a chad.
In the 90s men actually had to be classy now many men are f-k boi chads.

by Spectator222 August 6, 2023