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A nickname given to someone whose brain has seemingly turned to mush after smoking too much marijuana (or actually using too much of any drug but primarily used in association with pot heads)

Tommy: Yo, Nicky has been saying some really weird stuff as of late.

Brian: so you've noticed that too huh? I think we're gonna have to start calling him "Mush" now.

Tommy: I kinda figured that would eventually happen with him but I didn't think it would be this soon.

by SpeedBall Inc. February 5, 2021


A nickname given to a guy who thinks they're MUCH MUCH smarter then they actually are.

Person#1: Bro, if you even think about trying to come up with another idea then I'm gonna start calling you 'Soup' from here on out bc all of your ideas have been nothing but counterproductive.

Person#2: What are you talking about? My plans have almost worked each time we've tried one of 'em.

Person#1- Seriously? Are you joking bro?..... Hey 'Soup', shut up and just go sit in the corner while the grown-ups in there room come up with something that might actually help us get this job done.

by SpeedBall Inc. February 5, 2021

Slow Charles

Anybody who's driving in front of you while going well below the speed limit and traveling the same exact path you are causing you to be really late to your destination.

Woo: Hey dude, I'm gonna be late.

Mush: Why, what's up? Something wrong with your car bro?

Woo: Nah, there's a friggin' "Slow Charles" in front of me. He legit can't be going more then like 8-10mph. It could take me like 20 minutes to get there.

Mush: Damn, it usually only takes you 'bout 10 minutes.

Woo: AHHH!!! I know... this is totally ridiculous bro!!!

by SpeedBall Inc. February 5, 2021

Slow Charles

Anybody who's driving in front of you while going well below the speed limit and traveling the same exact path you are causing you to be really late to your destination.

Woo: Hey dude, I'm gonna be late.

Mush: Why, what's up? Something wrong with your car bro?

Woo: Nah, there's a friggin' "Slow Charles" in front of me. He legit can't be going more then like 8-10mph. It could take me like 20 minutes to get there.

Mush: Damn, it usually only takes you 'bout 10 minutes.

Woo: AHHH!!! I know... this is totally ridiculous bro!!!

by SpeedBall Inc. February 5, 2021


A nickname to give to any person with a really bad drug habit. Not only with a single drug either but whatever they could get their hands on that day.

John: If someone doesn't get him some help soon then everybody will start calling him "Woo".

Steve: Where have you been bro? People have been calling him "Woo" for a week or two. It's basically old news by now.

John: Really? Well it's still not too late to get him help though. I don't wanna see him go down that path and ruin his life in no time at all.

Steve: You better try and get him the help ASAP then bc it seems like he's been getting more reckless day after day bro.

by SpeedBall Inc. February 5, 2021