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Jahseh Onfroy is a popular rapper. Although he died June 18 2018. He will never be forgotten.

His rap name is XXXTENTACION.
He has a son named GEKYUME.

A lot of people who say x is trash, usually dont know ANYTHING about him. Their only comeback is "bruh, x is trash. He hit is pregnant girlfriend" we all know Geneva lied about that shit so get your facts straight before you start hating on other people. Anyway...
Idk what else to say so bye. #LLJ🕊

Person 1: hey you know that rapper triple x?

Person 2: he'll yeah! Thats JAHSEH ONFROY.

person 1: bruh that nigga trash... He beat up his pregnant girlfriend

Person 2: Vro shut yo stupid ass up pussy nigga

by SpinOnMyDickLikeaBeyBlade April 13, 2019

30👍 4👎