what happens when a female takes a dump.
Karen just returned from the lady's room where she experienced an epic feminist movement.
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Body Of Believer. The code and nickname of all believers in a spiritual afterlife. The son of "Lord Bud" (The Holy Okie) is Robert A McKinney a sacrificed RAM. Sacrificing his Horns he became a polled sheep that could not butt heads with other rams. Should you argue on the opposite side of this truth you will reveal yourself a fool, because. My truth will not argue back, (NO BUTTING HEADS) nor will it change just because you refuse to accept it and believe it. Bob will just stand there self-evident while you are looking like a fool.
I am the Public Defender of my son BOB. I protect his exclusively private right to believe in the Holy Okie. I forbid him from holding any public office. He has been instructed to reserve, invoke, and exercise his fifth amendment right to remain silent and has not spoken since my death of lung cancer on August 13, 1999. Do you know anyone more trustworthy than a man who has not told a lie in 22years?
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When justice is turned upside down and Guilt is presumed until you can prove you are innocent. The proof of innocence is to be given a possibly lethal injection and be diagnosed positive for a known lethal virus and survive. Mandatory compelled speech legislation ensures that you confess so the authorities can keep plausible deniability in the event of your death.
I refuse to participate in the 2022 pharmaceutical witchcraft trials.
14π 7π
Only those who own a private Bank can open this kind of account. Private banks do commercial business on paper only and do not tie assets to digital surveillance systems. There are no private online banks. Digital currency is all subject to the scrutiny of government regulators, private identity thieves, and scammers.
ALL DIGITAL CURRENCY IS SUBJECT TO BE SCRUTINIZED BY GOVERNMENTS. Bitcoin and all others included. You may hype it up and trade it among your friends all you want but you cannot eliminate the exchange rates that apply when cashing out or buying in.
My private Bank account is my freezer at home with a Bank balance of two gallons of frozen Blackberries having a net worth of whatever I may trade them for. Currently, Blackberry futures are still at $19.99 and holding steady. I am in this for the long run, and a Blackfoot redneck never gives up.
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1. Any and all measures are taken to avoid jury trials.
2. Synonymous with the term Injustice and the phrase "fuck, we don't have time for you."
3. That which takes priority over full and fair justice.
4. Term commonly applied to justify a Judge's Judicial Misconduct.
The judicial administrators should modernize their lexicon in the name of judicial Efficiency.
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The currency of Leprechaun grandmothers goes like this. Grandma will always pay $2 for a gallon of Blackberries. Giving Wheat pennies to "Lord Bud's Cordwood Chapel helps the minister of plenty. Grandmas are the ministers of plenty who insures the American dollar will never fall in value to below 1/2 gallon of Blackberries. If you do not believe me bring me a Gallon of Blackberries and I will give you $2... I know more than a few buyers who are Grandmothers.
To determine the value of a Dollar one must determine the value of a penny. I will give a single Blackberry size that of a Garden-Gnomes-Green Thumbnail for a Penny of current striking, But Magic and miracles happen when you pay for a Blackberry with wheat cents. Any grandma will tell you that if you take care of the pennies the dollars will take care of themselves.
In the words of a preacher, I know: "I would rather owe you a DEBT the rest of my life than to try and beat you out of it." DIE owing money and someone gets beat out of it, but DIE owing DEBT notes and none are the wiser. DIE owing Blackberries and next summer the lord will provide the means of payment without your helping effort, all you have to add to the recipe is faith, hope, and LOVE. Fiat currency is for the payment of Debts. You owe me no DEBTS but the 22 years backdated trespass fines are still currently in arrears and are due and payable in Blackberries or Blackberry futures.
For all are guilty and have fallen short of the "Lord Bud's Glory.'
The value of Old money is perceived to be more than that of new money, and taking that into consideration I claim my son's BOND to be equal to everything printed Since my Death on August 13, 1999. I must carry only one "wheat cents" and you must always donate it back to the Chapel. You can't take it with you pal. Laugh you, silly Humans.
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A battle of wits and wisdom of adult human beings using child-like minds.
Mankind could have done without the gender-war and those childish humans that participate in it.
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