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Blackfoot redneck

A Native American of the Blackfoot tribe who keeps his hair short and wears only T-shirts with no collar.

Known to have worked on the Blackberry Plantation under the hot sun.

Their motto is "Never a lie, and never give up."

My collars are not blue nor are they white, just ask uncle Heck,
Walking in the lake of fire created a Blackfoot redneck.

by Spiritual-Master January 22, 2022

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Self arrest Warrant

A legal document you may issue for the purpose of placing yourself under arrest and judging yourself not fit for any public duty. This places you in the custody of a private authority not subject to federal oversite. This measure should be taken when a lawless society is created by Democratic Crime Reduction.

The Government offered me a public office position so I could have the same immunities as they do and screw people over without repercussions, but I have been deemed unfit for public duty. I am in the custody of my creator who helped me execute a Self Arrest Warrant.

by Spiritual-Master February 19, 2022

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Spiritual Gendering

A father's prerogative to now choose the gender and name of his next born child regardless of the biological realities dictated by nature at the time of conception and/or birth.

Future Children are the "HOPE" that springs forth Eternity. Spiritual Gendering has now become a Man's prerogative AKA a Godfather's law.

I have hope of fathering a Female child named Sandy who may come from Venus and be born with a penis.

by Spiritual-Master January 21, 2022

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Blackberry futures

Blackberry futures are the Non-fungible Tokens issued on paper stamped with Winston McKinney foundation in spiritual health notary stamp representing One single gallon of blackberry futures used as payment for the fine of trespass onto The "Private Oklahoma Blackberry Plantation" The generalizing public owes the honorable Lord Bud 22 gallons per family equal to one gallon per year for the last 22 years. These fines are not "DEBTS" and cannot be paid with the standard fiat currency, because it is only for the payment of all debts public and private. Bring one gallon of fresh berries and you will be paid $2 this effectively freezing the value of one American dollar at 1/2 gallon of blackberries forever. I issue the NFT paper tokens for $19.99 for those people without access to a place to pick berries. I give the stamped token and your change of one single penny for your twenty and one year of your fines is paid. You may pay the entire twenty-two years of fines at once and save three pennies if you request 22 Blackberry futures NFT tokens I will give you a Quarter in change. What a wonderful plea bargain for denying the existence of Lord Bud's only begotten son Christ Bob.

Christ Bob: I ask forgiveness for all my trespasses as I have forgiven those who have trespassed against me.
Lord Bud: I do not forgive those who have denied your existence son and will collect the trespass fines for the rest of my day's on earth. Blackberry futures will become the Native standard for evaluating the American Dollar in my jurisdiction the "Private Oklahoma Blackberry Plantation." I pray in the name of Christ Jesus who hosts my spirit in your heart that this becomes a reality.

by Spiritual-Master January 25, 2022

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The Disrespectful Servant

TDS was defined this could also be the disrespectful soldier. Imagine you have that unconditional love you are looking for. You love everyone without the condition they love you back. Imagine it was your destiny to be martyred for everyone by crucifixion. You carried out your destiny to the point of being hung on a cross and you are suffering the worst torture you can imagine. Your faith is strong and you cry out to God: "Father, into Your Hands, I commit My Spirit." A soldier is coming to end your suffering with the spear of destiny. The soldier says: "At first, I figured if you could last three days on the cross I would be satisfied. Then after watching you suffer a week it got easier to watch. So I moved it to a month and told myself I would be satisfied. Then Watching you suffer got easier and less satisfying. I started checking on you less frequently. I still cannot believe you are godlike even though you have hung there for over two decades."

Disrespectful people will never be satisfied because they believe Respect must be earned. Nothing you ever do will be enough to earn the respect of a disrespectful person.

This is a reoccurring dream I have had for the last 22 years. I have been both the soldier and Jesus in this dream. 90% of the time I was the soldier and shoved the spear through the second rib from the bottom and broke the spearhead off.

A trustworthy soldier is never The Disrespectful Servant.

The disrespectful servant is the cause of God's children's longsuffering.

by Spiritual-Master March 20, 2022

Statutory construction

The process by which you testify and build your truth self evident. Be careful because the court of public opinion is always open and everything you say can and will be used against you.

I was only trying to build an honest statement and convicted myself of building statutory construction without a building permit. Only lies are allowed without a building permit. The cost of the permit is everything you have.

by Spiritual-Master December 20, 2021

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1. someone closed-minded and no longer accepting current scientific DATA.

2. someone academically concluded.

3. I Know everything syndrome.

"I once believed she was very intelligent until I listened to her speak at length, but her premise was very unscientific and she showed signs of suffering from I Know everything syndrome.

by Spiritual-Master January 12, 2022

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