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The term I ripped off from Gutfeld stands for New American Civil Liberties Union. This new organization is standing up for people like Neal Young whose right to ruin his own brand must be defended. Run By the Blackfoot Redneck Holy Okie leprechaun spirit the Honorable "Lord Bud" The jurisdiction of this organization's authority is limited to the "Oklahoma Blackberry Plantation" Any famous person who wishes to trash their own career may do so anywhere in this great free nation. If anyone denies them that right they may retain the services of the Honorable Lord Bud for free. this effectively gives them an Honorary "Queensbury Parden" for trespassing.

Blessings, respect, and love to all without prejudice

famous person 1: I am tired of life as a celebrity wish I could change my name and start over and get an ordinary job.

famous person 2: Dude I heard that NACLU will defend any famous person's right to do that and all you have to do is Pick Blackberries for $2 a day for twenty-two days on the "Oklahoma Blackberry Plantation"

Famous person 3: don't do it, man, all the famous people who died are still alive with different names and they never got off that plantation. They are still Picking Blackberries in the hot sun to this day. Rumor has it that Tom Petty is there Ghostwriting songs for Bob Christ.

by Spiritual-Master January 31, 2022

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The Cajun way of saying "Both of you"

1. I am talking to bodaya.

2. Bodaya go grab dat gator.

by Spiritual-Master December 10, 2021

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a mechanism of identity creation which Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul DҀ™Ambrosio in You and Your Profile, have termed profilicity, is closer related to sincerity than authenticity. profilicity is other-directed and reliant on the reactions of an audience. With sincerity, oneҀ™s family and community are the audiences that cast judgment on how sincerely, or properly, one plays the pre-determined roles.
Online social media being the audience instead of family and local community causes people to be less authentic and more conforming to online profile expectations. temptation is to do what gets likes, subscribers, and followers.

Authenticity is not other-directed because your mirror is the audience. self-creation is independent of pressure to get likes and subscribers and followers. The more humble self-creation is creating the authentic self. Lead me not into temptation.

sincerity is not as authentic because the audience is others and unknowingly we all wish to conform and be accepted so we adapt to what is expected. Success at being sincere builds EGO and shrinks humility for it comes with the praise of the audience.

RAM Bob: I have registered at 25 online social media sites so far.
Lord Bud: Son your not building an authentic character, you are using profilicity to build 25 identity profiles with 25 different audience expectations. You better just let me be your handler and Booking agent.

by Spiritual-Master March 8, 2022

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Thorny Crown

New kingdom term for the Blackberry brambles that a Ram caught his horns in. To be set free his horns were removed creating a polled Ram. Then he was sacrificed in the place of Isaac and his family.

My father-in-law Jr. Isaac and I removed the horns of that ram and freed him from his Thorny Crown of Blackberry vines and cooked it up for everyone to eat.

by Spiritual-Master January 23, 2022

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Postmodern Chronology

The science of predicting the future, or the actual travel forwards through time to witness it.

I traveled through time to 2050 and was an elected judge presiding over the trial of the descendants of Luke Skywalker who were being held to account for the destruction of the death star. Postmodern Chronology allowed me to witness a hung jury. When the verdict was read and the defendants set free, a group of angry political activists literally hung all twelve members of the jury.

by Spiritual-Master January 5, 2022

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postmodern Public Defender

Some poor schmuck was given the sad job of defending poor private fools against acts of larceny perpetrated by the entirety of the general public. He seldom has the integrity to look his client in the eyes because he knows the public always treads on the private.

The importance we place on justice can always be measured by the amount of resources given to the postmodern Public Defender in proportion to the amount of resources given to the Attorney General.

by Spiritual-Master December 11, 2021

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Public Opinions

These are beliefs that should be abandoned and ignored for they are the most dangerous things when in the hands of the media. All public people are required to have them because it is public opinion that opinions are like assholes because everyone has them. This is not true for the private. Private people have truth, not opinions. Public opinion will override and destroy your private truth at every opportunity. Opinions can become policy and eliminate the right or privilege to speak the private truth. The publicly spouted opinions are why cancel culture started. Let us listen to some private truth for a while. Let us agree on a peaceful 1000 years.

The elected Public should keep their Public Opinions to themselves for when the words of your mouth cause others to act violently your game of life is best played silently.

by Spiritual-Master January 27, 2022

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