Source Code

The Bagel

An item in the world of YouTube Poop, it is ether Mama Luigi's favorite food, or a magic health item that he can summon at his command.

You know what they say in Broklen! YOU MUST DIE! Or, is it The Bagel?

by Splek October 11, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Triforce of Spaghetti

An item in the world of YouTube Poop. It is used to protect The King. Its powers are currently unknown, as it has made no appearances. Not to be mistaken with the Triforce of Wisdom.

I'll take the Triforce of Spaghetti to protect me! If you dont hear from me in a month, send Lotsa Spaghetti!

by Splek October 11, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stone Football

A stone that Mama Luigi carved into a Football. It sometimes can kill Mario. Mario and Mama Luigi always debate if it is a Stone or a Football, and this battle will go on until the end of time itself.

Mama Luigi: Mario! Look what I made! Itsa Football!

Mario: Its a Stone Luigi! You didint make it!

Mama Luigi: *Shakes Head* Its a Football! I chiseled it!

Mario: Stone!

Mama Luigi: Football!

Mario: OBJECTION! Its a Stone Luigi!

Mama Luigi: Its a Football! I chiseled it!

Stone Football~

by Splek October 11, 2008

34๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nectar of the Gods. Coffee is a magical drink made of nothing more then a great-smelling bean and water, then heated to bring out the flavor. Coffee is like a great-tasting energy drink that is actually completely healthy for you! It has amazing health benefits such as; Lowering the risk of Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, Colon Cancer, Headaches, and risk of Cavities! Plus it's addictive! I CAN'T STOP SHAKING!!! At least Coffee addiction is better then Meth addiction!

Man: Dude, why are you shaking so much?

Dude: Coffee, Man! COFFEE!

by Splek February 17, 2009

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Horny Mushroom

A mushroom monster in the game MapleStory, it has a blue spiky top, giving it the name "Horny Mushroom". Its name is isint as funny as Pianus however.

Mapler1: Dude I got killed trying to kill 20 Horny Mushrooms at once!

Mapler2: Thats not the only thing thats horny around here!

Mapler3: GIVE ME MONEY!!!!!!

Mapler4: noobs...

by Splek October 15, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž