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N. An infant weasel or similar rodent that has been abandoned by it's parental figures, or potentially has a sound cloud rapper father that has neglected his fatherly responsibilities

Adj. A poorly formed insult created in the spur of the moment during a meltdown, intended to deliver a crucial blow to the victim; however, they are often left confused and unintended

Synonyms: Parakeet-Bitch, Douche Canoe, Ass Cat

N. "Look at that poor weasel-bastard out in the cold night alone"

Adj. "You're a weasel-bastard for interfering with our marriage"

by Spumonte December 18, 2017


Swiva. N. A person who is acting like a diva, but instead of being self absorbed, they show genuine kindness and sweetness.

Ex: Anne, literally fainting over the price of the handbag you were gonna buy me makes you such a swiva!

by Spumonte April 21, 2018