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variation of "dude," not to be confused with surfer slang. Interchangeable with "buddy," "best friend," and with sexual benefits.

"Hey, bood, watch out for that killer cacti!"

by Squeezy Beans and Schmands April 10, 2007

35👍 44👎


A special hug that can only be shared between boods. Often used to alleviate the bood mood.


"You okay Schmands?"

"Not really..." *sad face*


"Yes please" *more sad faces*

*muhgugs all around*

by Squeezy Beans and Schmands April 10, 2007

bood mood

A mood typically reflecting the poor mental state of a bood, which is often introspective, and always negative. Though boods are not necessarily so emo, such a mood always is. Muhgugs are a necessity to help alleviate such a state of mind.

"Hey Squeezy Beans, you okay?"

"I guess so..." *sad face*

"You in a bood mood?"



*muhgugs all around*

by Squeezy Beans and Schmands April 10, 2007

4👍 3👎