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Social Welfare

To join a group of people with the hopes of making lasting connections. To pay for the admission to a club to try and create a dynamic social circle. Sometimes someone on social welfare and also hold other socially beneficial roles to beat the system. These people are know to double wad are twice basting.

Jenny's small and eccentric social circle caused her to consider social welfare.

After weeks of loneliness, and self harm, Greg decided social welfare might cure his need for comraderie.

by SsTtUu May 16, 2011

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aphro stink

Someone who has an oddly appealing aroma. Usually their scent is enticing, even to others who are beautiful and seductive.

Jill: Hey whats up with Frodo and his aphro stink.
Amanda: Yea, wierd he makes me want to go closer.
Jill: Maybe he'll turn his head.
Amanda: Hopefully he looks as good as he smells.

by SsTtUu April 9, 2011


The denial of sexual impulses, and the need to have sex by a male to a women or vice versa. Sexprivation usually takes place while to parties are mutually attracted to eachother. Moreover both are to socially awkward or lame to realize their connection. Sexprivation is usually observed and is not known by either party.

Steve: You see the way Erin and Jeff Sexprivated each other last night.
Kristin: You know the way the two hesitate is kind of wierd.

Steve: Come to think of it, our two week period of sexprivation was sort of awkard.
Kristin: Aww, Steve you're so charming.

by SsTtUu April 10, 2011

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Ditch Chicken

Used primarily in the underground world. Made popular around the Upstate New York area.

1) A woman who continues to hook up with men out of her league, and consistently gets rejected and goes back to hanging out with regs.

2) A lady who has spent a long time dating one guy and is dumped for a another more attractive mate.

3) A person you find throwing up while trying to find a good place to take a piss outside a party.

4) A streewalker who can be seen wandering around after 3 AM or 4 AM.

You hear Taylor dated Seth Green. Guess what she dumped her, and now she wants back with me. She's such a ditch chicken.

Hey bro whos the ditch chicken out back with the heaves?

Come on, we should stop and pick up a ditch chicken; it's our last night in Vegas.

by SsTtUu May 16, 2011

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When you walk into a store, and gasp at a new shirt, pants, or toy you absolutely love. Most of the time these gasps resemble something you might hear on HBO late night or your neighbors prized collection of porn DVDs.

<walks into store and has a shoppergasm while looking at new shirt>
shopper 1: omg, ahh this is ahhh i love this.
shopper 2: yessss!! this is amazing.

by SsTtUu December 15, 2010

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A cool aura surrounding a person. Most of the time a sense of confidence exuded from the person. Their talents bring out the best of his peers, and he is level headed easy to get a long with, and is renowned, as well as, successful. Even with his enviable good fortune other don't feel jealous, and support their developmental growth and good fortune.

Leroy: Man, don't you love being around Peter.
Anna: Yes, there is something around his Phlegm.
Leroy: Our group is making money hand over fist.
Anna: He really brings out the best of our team.
Leroy: His confidence is almost contagious.

by SsTtUu April 9, 2011

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a slang term for the astrological sign Gemini.

An adjective to describe a physically attractive women.

Simon: So you used to be a Tarus. Based on the change of the tilt of the axis of the earth you're a Gem.
Nancy: I'll always be a Taurus.

Simon: Jennifer is a Gem.

by SsTtUu April 10, 2011

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