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1) an all knowing, all loving being who once killed everyone in the world (other than one small family) because they were not doing what he wanted, yet allowed Hitler to mercilessly slaughter 6million Jews without consequence

2) an all knowing, all loving being who was once rather pissed off that two people ate a fruit they were not meant to; a crime which the entire human race is still paying the price for

3) an all knowing, all loving being who allows various wars and acts of terrorism to be carried out in his name, whereas a simple 'hello' from the man himself would resolve the whole thing instantly

4) an all knowing, all loving being who hands over the responsibility for punishing the difficult and troublesome humans to Satan

All in all, God either doesn't exist or he is a complete sadistic prick

Want an example, look at any natural disaster (Tsunami, earthquakes, etc). Why would an all knowing, all loving God do that?

by St. Satan October 24, 2007

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