The process of a soldier being broken and indoctrinated through basic training by a drill sergeant, such that the ego is replaced by strict obedience to a C.O.'s every order and unwavering loyalty to your fellow soldier.
Didya see Full Metal Jacket? Man, if that Private Pyle wasn't a can short of six-pack, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman might've humilitated him instead of being shot.
The closeted virgin's analog to a gay person's "in the closet". "Crawl space" because it's an even smaller and oft forgotten room in the house, thus being a virgin is even more ignoble than being gay. Also apt for virgins because "crawl" is descriptive of a virgin's infant state of sexuality.
Cal: You know, Andy just spent ten minutes telling me how he spent all Friday night making egg salad, because he had a craving for an egg salad sandwich.
Jay: That's weird man, cause what's a guy doin' making egg salad on a Friday night? Aw crap! You think he's a virgin?!! You think he' the crawl space?!
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The condition of being inebriated by drinking too much of only one brand of beer, produced by the second-largest brewery in Canada, after Molson.
The futile and all-consuming fixation by anti-porn people with trying to rail against and stamp out in society a pastime that has persisted since humans learned to draw. It is marked by an intractable belief that pornography is intrinsically evil and misogynistic and thus of absolutely no humanist value.
If Catherine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin devoted their energies to things other than pornconsternation, feminism might not be seen as solely the domain of Gloria Steinem, and maybe women would have equal pay by now.
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A fictitious pharmacological cocktail comprised of an NSAID such as Advil and an anti-anxiety drug like Valium designed to bring relief to people suffering from severe stress headaches. Available in an OTC form. Think the Rolling Stone's "Mother's Little Helper" by way of RoboCop's dystopian vision of consumerism gone awry.
Ad slogan : When life gets to be too much, just Damitol!
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