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Winwin is a member from a Korean boy Group called Nct. He is very Talented but sadly he doesn't get any Lines.

Person1: If Winwin doesn't get any Lines in Nct China I'm going to sue Sm Entertainment.

Person2:Me too

by StanLoonaStanTalent October 27, 2018


A Member from Nct (Korean Group). Who deserves Lines. If he doesn't get lines in Nct China I'm going to sue Sm Entertainment

Person1: Have you seen Winwin?
Person2: Yes that boy needs some Lines or I'm going to burn Sm Entertainment down

by StanLoonaStanTalent October 27, 2018

Stan Loona

Please stan Loona they are talented af.
Remember kids Stan Loona Stan Talent

You should stan Loona

by StanLoonaStanTalent November 2, 2018