Erin's are stunningly beautiful and have good, if sometimes dry senses of humor. They are incredibly intelligent and witty and crazy creative, whether with a brush, a pencil or an instrument. They aren't dirty, but are flirtatious heart throbs. Erin is either the synonym of laid back, or should be in a loony bin for a major case of OCD. They are prone to accidents, especially spilling and knocking things over, (no one's perfect!). They are tall and athletic, they love animals. Somehow, they stay slim and trim, but can eat you out of house and home. Guys fall for Erin's all the time, (who can resist Erin's?!) and they have short, but honest relationships. Erin's are to independent to be tied down, they speak their minds, and they speak it loud, sometimes rudely. They are strong and unbending as steel on the outside, but after you get to know them, they become softer and more laid back. They are the epitome of beauty, creativity, wit, humor, elegance, grace and vigilance, but when you get to know them, they're just like any other girl. Never get in a fight with an Erin, you'll lose every time, Erin's are incredibly alpha and need thing their way. They are perfectionists and are either obsessive compulsive and or sloppy, though only in habitat, never in appearance.
Guy 1: That girl over there with the dog is super cute and funny, I could so go out with her.
Guy 2: (Laughs) Everyone wants to go out with Erin, it never lasts long. She's awesome, but has a habit of spilling and knocking stuff over.
Guy 3: She's the ideal girlfriend, but is a control freak or a slob,never volunteer to clean her locker.
Guy 1: She's super artistic, I'm still asking her out.
Guy 2: You'll either be kicked to the curb or the luckiest guy in the world.
Guy 3: So right.
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