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A planet controlled by a strict religious oligarchy, the Ffib sect. The bounty hunter Boba Fett once earned a 500,000-credit reward for capturing Nivek'Yppiks, a Ffib heretic wanted by Lorahns's leaders

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by Star_Wars_Geek_1 April 26, 2004

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A specialized Imperial stormtrooper trained and equipped to operate in subfreezing conditions.

Check out all my Star Wars definitions!

by Star_Wars_Geek_1 April 26, 2004

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A temperate planet covered by swaying asaari trees, it escaped most of the fallout of the Rebellion and the Empire's cruel reign because of its isolated location. It is inhabited by a species of short, half-furred, yellow-clad creatures called Bimms and governed by a planetary council. It was while on a diplomatic mission to the planet five years after the Battle of Endor that Princess Leia Organa Solo and Luke Skywalker were the target of a kidnap attempt by a Noghri commando team.

Check out all my Star Wars definitions!

by Star_Wars_Geek_1 April 26, 2004

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Those ferocious-looking beasts are gentle, loyal, and often domesticated as guard animals or pets on the planet Kinyen.

Check out all my Star Wars definitions!

by Star_Wars_Geek_1 April 26, 2004

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