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A specialized Imperial stormtrooper trained and equipped to operate in subfreezing conditions.

Check out all my Star Wars definitions!

by Star_Wars_Geek_1 April 26, 2004

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A temperate planet covered by swaying asaari trees, it escaped most of the fallout of the Rebellion and the Empire's cruel reign because of its isolated location. It is inhabited by a species of short, half-furred, yellow-clad creatures called Bimms and governed by a planetary council. It was while on a diplomatic mission to the planet five years after the Battle of Endor that Princess Leia Organa Solo and Luke Skywalker were the target of a kidnap attempt by a Noghri commando team.

Check out all my Star Wars definitions!

by Star_Wars_Geek_1 April 26, 2004

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Corusca gem

Extremly rare, this mineral is found only in the lower levels of the gas giant Yavin. Corusca gems are the hardest know substance in the galaxy and can even slice through transparisteel.

Check out all my Star Wars definitions!

by Star_Wars_Geek_1 April 26, 2004

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Those ferocious-looking beasts are gentle, loyal, and often domesticated as guard animals or pets on the planet Kinyen.

Check out all my Star Wars definitions!

by Star_Wars_Geek_1 April 26, 2004

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