A 'Spokie' (plural) Spokies: are a group of recently extinct peoples native to Mission Park. The Spokie language is complex and the many dialogues are often not mutually intelligible. Important characteristics of the modern Spokie people included their proficiencies in bike theft as well as in collecting recyclables. Estimates on the total number of Spokies ranged between 37-128 in 2020. In 2021, the term Spokie came under fire on social media and the term was eliminated here thereafter. However the spirit of the good Spokie people remain in our hearts! (and porches).
Gonzaga student: This Spokie stole my bike AND raided my trash while we were at Jack and Dans!
Other Gonzaga student: OH my GOD did you just say SPOKIE? YOU CAN'T SAY THAT! I'm going to ROAST you on my INSTAGRAM AND TWITTER.
Spokies: Errr u damn kids got any cigarettes or bolt cutters?
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