When a person is called a blender, it typically refers to when you fribble-flap the wibbly-wobbly doodads with a zippity-zap and a sprinkle of pixie dust, resulting in a fantastical concoction of rainbow-colored dreams and unicorn giggles.
She blendered her thoughts into a frothy whirlwind of marshmallow clouds and jellybean rainbows, leaving everyone utterly befuddled yet strangely horny.
best desc i can give is orgasmic, heavenly, and autistic.
that's Jilani over there, he likes music, video games, anime, more anime, even more anime, a weird cat anime thing, and also he's Mexican.
If someone is a Zanyzzle, they are high as shit on Xanax and cannot function what so ever.
Clarkson is definitely a Zanyzzle, he's always trippin balls