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Mavis Leonard

A frequently appearing guest on the Phil Hendrie Show who is an African-Ameican woman. Oddly enough, she's against black quarterbacks, the "new negros" (young African-American people) and seems to be supportive of maintaining the racial dominance of whites.

Mavis Leonard is one helluva haggard. But what can you say? She's funny as hell!

by Steagles June 6, 2006

29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

MySpace time

The time according to myspace. It ignores the actual times in all timezones, EST, pacific, mountain, etc.

Scener: Hey, in myspace time its 12:30AM!
Goth/Emo: Yeah, cool! In actual time it must be 4:39PM!

by Steagles February 20, 2006

45πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

All you can eat Negro

A term that Mavis Leonard uses to refer to the Catholic practice of "mackin' on Jesus".

see negro smorgasborad and brother buffet

Mackin' on my boy like a deli buffet...all you can eat Negro!

by Steagles June 6, 2006

50πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


One hell of a boring place to work. Get paid for sitting on your ass, sure...but damn. People are nice and everything but...eeeeeh.

Intern: What does DAC stand for?
Program Director: Disability Action Center

by Steagles June 5, 2006

7πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Card-Pitt was the result of a merger between the Chicago Cardinals and the Pittsburgh Steelers for the 1944 season. This was due to a shortage of players because of military service.

Stats for the 1944 Chicago Card-Pitt are unavailable. Please check back at a later date.

by Steagles June 6, 2006

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The ebonics term for "they". Descends from the West African accents adjustment to English speech that first occured in the 16/1700s.

O I think dey like me
O I think dey like me
O I think dey like me
I think, I think dey like me

by Steagles June 6, 2006

130πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


1. Traditionally one who exploits multiple women, forcing them to perform sexual favors for clients in return for financial profits.
2. More popular usage, one who has immense success with women and, often, takes many girlfriends.
3. Something that's cool, fashionable, or hip.

Mad Libber: Yo, look at that sexy chocolate momma over there, nigga. I wish I could get a piece of that coconut pie.
Judge Fudge: Well, that's my ho...and tonight she can be yours, for that cadillac over there.
Mad Libber: You her pimp? How about $50?
Judge Fudge: I'm far too busy being delicious.

by Steagles March 3, 2006

111πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž