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Our lovable froggy streamer and has the cutest voice and is very much named missi (don't worry she knows) and drop in and say hi to her

That Froggyhoppins is a good streamer.

by Steph_kitty69 July 10, 2023


The definition of ADHD, our local fast talker in twitch (not promo) and is scared of the word beautiful if you drop in one time say she's beautiful.❤️

That Nerdiella is a very fast talker

by Steph_kitty69 July 10, 2023


The definition of insanity is as well very bald and has a liking to chicken burger fries and ROOT BEER and Eij spelt backwards is Jie

This man is the definition of the word insanity Eij is very crazy and insane. Chicken burger fries and ROOT BEER NO ROOT BEER

by Steph_kitty69 July 8, 2023


The baldest man ever he denys it but his chat knows it true

Eijtrooper is the baldest person ever his chat even thinks so

by Steph_kitty69 July 8, 2023


He's our eepysheepyy our favorite person and boyfriend to twilightstarry please keep the chat as chaotic as possible and the most arson ever and wants to take over the internet spreading peace and wholesomeness

eepysheepyy needs to go eep

by Steph_kitty69 December 6, 2023