n. 1. Mindless information about an entertainer or show that is portrayed as news.
"In our top story: Cody was voted off the island this week in a stunning upset during tonight's episode of survivor..."
12👍 1👎
n. 1. Not really good looking enough to be a trophy bride, but every bit as skanky."
It's not an honor just to be nominated. Get a new toupee and sell your '92 Miata. Thanks for playing.
10👍 3👎
n. 1. An older male with enough money to coax a girl into staying with him, but not enough to ensure the girl is pretty.
2. Can not afford enough sugar to be a sugar daddy.
"The nutra-sweet daddy picked up his participant button bride from the discount strip-club after she got off work."
17👍 3👎
Suddenly giving a damn when a team gets good.
The dodgers suddenly look like a decent team, and Brooks jumped right on the bandwagon.
870👍 382👎
n. 1. Native to the San Luis Obispo Area.
2. Someone frequenting Cal Poly college locales but not a Cal Poly student or alumnus.
"You're a slocal aren't you? I can tell by the mullet."
6👍 6👎