Chavs who can afford Fred Perry, and live in ex-council houses, as opposed to council houses.
I think that about covers it, actually.
13π 21π
Bjeebers - sometimes followed by a (!), this indicates that the speaker is expressing fear or surprise. Not to be mistaken for bejeebers. They're completely different. Honest.
'Bjeebers! That pigeon almost ripped my head into two pieces!
'Lost in translation', after the meaning has, indeed, been lost in translation.
'I saw Lost Translation night last.'
'Shut up.'
5π 5π
Ha. Hahah. Hahahah. Heee hee ha ha ha!
'Ha. Hahah. Hahahah. Heee hee ha ha ha!'
17π 10π
The Tree Fairy, also known as the Winter Fairy, brings on the season of winter. The Tree Fairy flys around the world at night, over several weeks late in the year, injecting trees with a special poison. This poison, 'Trisphinxius X' causes, over a short amount of time, the falling off of the tree's leaves. The Tree Fairy works late in the year only, a she takes trips to Bermuda every summer. Legend has it that once upon a time a Norwegian Pine saved the Tree Fairy's life, and as a payment, she has never injected an 'evergreen' since. Hallelujah.
'I am the tree fairy, and I bring you cold, ugly trees!'
19π 16π
Abbreiviation for homework. Only used in written form.
(IM conversation)
Stan: gtg, bro, h/w to do.
Emily: Don't call me bro.
43π 12π
A place where large amounts of unwashed masses can be found. And a couple of washed ones.
'I got lost in Sharpthorne today.'
'I can see, you have dirty kneecaps.'
4π 3π